Social Impact and Education

A sustainable society is one that is also able to balance social objectives and human well-being. The World Happiness Report highlights the value of using well-being and social objective measures for guiding policy-making. We want to explore the relationship between the social factors listed in the World Happiness Report and the literacy rate, as literacy is an important skill to be able to participate in society. This visualization helps to elucidate these relations, but is limited to only the countries that report literacy rates and social variables.

About this visualization:
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The following variables included in this visualization are:
Literacy rate: the percentage of the population ages 15 and above who can both read and write with an understanding of a short simple statement about their everyday life. A higher value indicates a more literate population.
Confidence in national government: the proportion of the population who trust and have confidence in their respective national government.
Life choice freedom: A measure of perceived freedom to make life decisions. A higher value indicates more freedom.
Generosity: Generosity as measured by the amount of donations made, adjusted for income. A higher value indicates higher generosity.
Perception of corruption: The proportion of the population who believe that there is widespread corruption in the government and in businesses of their country. A lower value indicates less perceived corruption.
The higher the rank for these variables for each country, the better the value!

Clicking on any bar will highlight the values for that corresponding country. The petal plot on the top left corresponds to that country, and the length of the petals represents each social variable. The correlation plot beside the petal plot shows the correlation between literacy rate with four well-being indicators. Clicking on color legend to highlight the specific indicator in both petal plot and the correlation plot.